Join a Faculty Book Club

In a faculty book club, groups of 6-12 faculty meet about once a month throughout an academic year to explore a book on teaching, learning, and pedagogical innovation. Each book club is facilitated by a member of the SAS teaching and learning team and is open to all instructors in the School of Arts and Sciences.

Teaching with AI Book Club for the 2024-2025 Academic Year

Is AI on your mind as you prepare for the Fall semester? Are you curious about using AI technologies in your class? Do you feel like you have more to learn about AI before you talk to your learners about it? If so, we invite you to join us and an interdisciplinary and collaborative community of instructors across the School of Arts and Sciences in a Generative AI Book Club!

The aim of this book club is to:

  • Understand more about how GenAI works and its implications for teaching and learning
  • Use the book Teaching with AI to guide us in how we might talk with and engage our students with AI
  • Collaborate with an interdisciplinary group of instructors around the topics of GenAI

Our book club is open to all SAS instructors. We will meet once a month during the academic year on zoom to discuss Teaching with AI: A Practical Guide to a New Era of Human Learning by José Antonio Bowen and C. Edward Watson. At the end of the year you will be better-positioned to address AI in your teaching and to continue the conversation on AI within your respective disciplines.

We’re looking forward to thinking, learning, and collaborating with you on the impact of AI technologies on teaching and learning. Space is limited so please sign up to indicate your interest in the book club by Sunday, August 25, 2024. If you have any questions, please reach out to .