For more information on any aspect of course or program assessment, contact: Sharon Bzostek, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education
Does Assessment Make Colleges Better?
Assessment is effective for promoting greater thoughtfulness and purpose in teaching — and for focusing our attention on learning. That matters.
Read more: Does Assessment Make Colleges Better? Let Me Count the Ways.
Carnegie Mellon University: Enhancing Education - Assessment Examples and Tools
This CMU website provides useful rubrics and other tools for a wide array of course-and program-based assessment approaches.
This includes:
- Course-level Examples By Type
- Course-level Examples By College(within CMU)
- Program-level Examples By College(within CMU)
Go to website.
Examples of Good Assessment Practices
What do we want our students to know, value and do?"...especially in real-world situations? The Toolbox helps in developing rubrics for such assessments. Go to website.
National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment
NILOA seeks to “discover and disseminate” information about how academic programs and institutions use assessment data “internally to inform and strengthen undergraduate education, and externally to communicate with policy makers, families and other stakeholders.” For more resources visit their website.
Student Learning Outcomes Assessment in Ten Easy Steps (Videos)
A series of 10 short podcasts (on YouTube) by Dr. Michelle Saint- Germain, Director of Program Review & Assessment at CSU, Long Beach. They include:
- What Are Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)?
- Writing Student Learning Outcomes
- Levels of Student Learning
- Mapping Student Learning Outcomes to the Curriculum
- Choosing Assessment Measures
- Matching Assessment to Teaching and Learning
- Collecting Assessment Evidence
- Analyzing Evidence of Student Learning
- Using Evidence of Student Learning for Program Improvement
- Why Assess Student Learning
Rutgers Office for Teaching Evaluation and Assessment Research
Guidelines for departmental assessment plans and conducting assessments